Sunday, September 18, 2011

Blog#2- Spreadsheet

This week in class we completed Chapter 2, which was in correlation to privacy and social media. There is absolutely nothing that is considered to be confidential on the web.  More and more people are using social media sites to get the latest news and information, in addition to connecting with others, which ultimately is exposing their privacy to many online dangers. The more comfortable we become with these sites, the more apt we are to share personal details about ourselves, and let our guard down as we interact with others. Is what we share on Facebook putting our privacy and security at risk? It is always a good thing to examine your privacy settings on each social media service. As you have read in my last blog, my new "Nonslip & Supportive Acro shoe" has its very own web page displayed on Facebook. I want to ensure that my web page has the copyright and trademark rights needed about my entrepreneurial idea, so that I am protected from someone possibly hacking or stealing the information about my improved shoe, in addition to the Logo I will use on my web page. Cyber criminals are targeting social network sites with increasing amounts of online scams, focusing in on this growing user base. I do not intend on sharing a whole lot of information about how my new product was made on my Facebook web page, as privacy is a vital issue I need to be accountable for. Instead of giving out too much information about my product on my web page, I could consider providing a customer service phone line or email listings for questions they may have.
            In order to organize the data for my entrepreneurship idea, I would need to use spreadsheet software such as Excel for Word. Excel allows users to organize data in rows and columns, and perform calculations on the data. Using this data, I will be able to organize and present non-financial data, as well as financial data in an orderly manner. When customers would like to purchase my new "Nonslip & Supportive Acro shoe", Excel can be used to organize in the ordering products, and manage the money being used for my new product. This spreadsheet has basic features to create, edit, and format worksheets. It has many built-in functions such as sum, count, average, max, min that will be very useful in providing quick and accurate information. Also, pivot tables and a variety of graphs could help quickly and easily summarize and analyze large amounts of data for ordering and managing the money used for my product. A visual representation of data through charts often makes it easier for users to see at a glance the relationship among the numbers.
            Presentation software would be an exceptional way to present my product to customers who are interested in buying my Acro shoe. Presentation software allows users to create visual aids for presentations to communicate ideas, messages, and other information to a group. Creating a PowerPoint which will provide images, photos, video clips, etc. will enhance the way my entrepreneurship idea is presented to dancers, making a presentation more eye-catching. Animation and sound effects add extra emphasis on these presentations, making them look more interactive. This is just another creative idea to incorporate a structured presentation about my new "Nonslip & Supportive Acro shoe."  PowerPoint is the best way to market a product and attract an audience towards your views and arguments. Utilizing PowerPoint makes it easier for people in marketing, advertising, and sales to make presentations for motivation of their subordinates, in this case my Acro shoe.

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