Monday, October 17, 2011

Blog #6 - Operating Systems & Digital Color

This week in class, we discussed operating systems and digital color. Operating systems manage hardware and software resources, and acts as an intermediate between the two. Although operating systems does not relate very much to my entrepreneurial idea, I am going to focus more on digital color. Pixel, hue, saturation and brightness are all important key terms when choosing and adjusting a color. The hue is the type of color, saturation is the intensity of the color, and brightness is how light or dark the color is.
                Relating this to my entrepreneurial idea, I can use RGB and CMYK, which are the primary (RGB) and additive (CMYK) colors you need to create different colors for my product and web page. With the different web pages I have created for my dance shoe, distinct colors would help enhance the background of the web page and text design to attract the viewer’s attention. Using a variety of different colors would enhance the advertisement of my product, with the ultimate goal of sustaining the customer's attention to have them look and review it. Making a quick first impression on the user is a vital key in sales. There are 16.7 million color combination's, and 16 values for creating different color combination's. Today we live in an era of the internet - the most powerful, most accessible, dynamic communication system ever known to the world. A website best answers who, what, why, how and when the business can help them. Making a unique and creative web design for your product is essential in the business world, and provides the opportunity for you to be able to fully and completely present your product in the way you believe will be most effective.
                Given the advanced technology of digital color for designing my web pages, I am able to create a more realistic and specific color of my product, the "Nonslip & Supportive Acro shoe." Making the shoe in a few different vibrant colors, possibly to even appear three dimensional by the use of different shades, would make the shoe even more convincing to purchase. There are so many ways to entice a person into a sale just by displaying a different array of colors, making it attractive, and drawing the person into the sale of the product by what they are seeing. You can make a web page vibrant, fun and exciting just by using certain colors, in turn this would make the purchase exciting for the customer.

1 comment:

  1. Operating systems actually can play a great deal in your idea, notably marketing! Seeing as even phones these days use OS' of some sort, thats the users way of getting to the Web and then your page and then WALLA! Your product is now purchased.
