Monday, October 3, 2011

blog #4- Input/Output

In our class lecture, we briefly spoke about Input and Output devices and its importance with devices. We spoke briefly about digital cameras and their ability to generate varying degrees of quality photos, based on how many Megapixels are in the device, as well as technologies in the output field such as Printing. However, the discussion became much more interesting as we began to listen to the innovative services of the future. Google, for instance, has Voice Recognition software which they believe will be the driving force in the future market. The next generation search engines will index audio and video to process our voice and meaning. However, this will require millions of samples to develop. To help better advertise my entrepreneurial idea of a "Nonslip & Supportive Acro shoe", a digital movie (via my 16.1 MP camera) would assist me in better advertising my shoe. In addition to using my digital camera to produce a movie, I can also use a Web cam to display my output on my Web page. The use of a web cam attracts Web site visitors by showing images that change regularly. Some Web sites even have live Web cams that display still pictures, and will update the displayed image at a specified time. 
RFID chips have also come into full swing, detecting location remotely though being 1/2 mm in size. Radio frequency identification is a small chip that can be embedded into anything and it contains very useful information. It can be used to track lost kids, track team property, etc. It is a simple system which transmits the identity of an object or person wirelessly using radio waves. In addition to the information that was given during lecture, I would like to use RFID chips to track my product inventory. This device is pervasive, yet effective, simple and would eliminate the cost of human hands and the capacity for error that goes hand in hand!
A QR code, otherwise known as a quick response, is a simple way to store codes. You see these barcodes everywhere on products, athletics, food, boarding passes, etc. Since this is such a great device to use in marketing, I would like to advertise my entrepreneurial idea using a QR code. When people attend a Dance performance and receive their tickets, they can easily scan the QR code that is generated on the ticket for a quick message. If you have a Smartphone, you are able to download a QR app, which enables you to scan any barcode. You can then scan my individual QR code, which will bring you to my Web page. Not only will I advertise my QR code on a Dance ticket, but I can advertise it on just about anything I want. I can share it on Facebook, or any product that will help better advertise my Dance shoe. In addition, since I only created a Web page on Facebook as of yet, I would like to further my advertisement by making a Web site of known dance communities. This would include a popular online buying website called Discount Dancewear, and also a variety of different Dance studio Web pages. I could easily advertise my product on these web pages, as well as by advertising them in Dance Magazine. This is an excellent way to distinguish my product by attaching a QR code, which will enable me to manage and sell it more efficiently on different advertising Websites.


  1. Great post! Just one thought to get you thinking critically. You mention a number of ways these different input/output devices could be utilized to improve your business, but how, if used, could they perhaps negatively impact your business. Upon coming up some some thoughts, how could you mitigate against these potentially negative impacts?

    Also, how are your competitors using QR codes (if they are)? How could you use them more effectively in the context of your shoe sales?

  2. I think your marketing techniques are very well thought out! you have found good ways to reach your young target market through Facebook and the use of QR codes that many people can use with their smartphones. Because the majority of people that would be being acro shoes are from this social media generation, they would be in a good position to see these ads and want the improvements that you are making to this shoe.
