Monday, October 31, 2011

Blog #8 Summary

I will always remember the first day Jeff Rubin announced to our class that our very first project is to create our own entrepreneurship idea and relate it to his lectures. At first I freaked out and over stressed about what the heck I was going to create that was technological. As I looked around the room feeling lost, I kept thinking that everyone probably already has an idea! I was never a technology person before taking IST 195, so I thought there would be no way I could create my own entrepreneurial idea, but as I began to think about my own personal interest and what products I think could be improved, I came up with the idea of a new dance shoe. It may sound tedious, but the fact that more numerous injuries continue to occur in dance every day, a new dance show would be a fantastic idea!
I felt like creating an entrepreneurial idea that was of great interest to me would be perfect because I know a lot about dance. It felt great to create something I was interested in and watch as it evolved as I became more informed on aspects of technology and how I could use it to change my product. A quick summary of what my blogs have all been about is that my plan is to create multiple websites, one starting with Facebook, to advertise my product of a "Nonslip & Supportive Acro shoe." I am improving a show by adding more support to its heels so that it is comfy and will prevent fewer injuries for dancers. Social media played a big role in my product because it is a great way to advertise my product on many different social networks to connect with my customers and receive constant feedback on what they like and don’t like about the shoes. I think receiving feedback is an important aspect when it comes to creating an entrepreneurial idea because it is very helpful in thinking of ways to improve a product. Not only was social media important for my product, but also using excel to manage inventory, using RFID technology to track my product, using digital color to attract customers to buy my product, making sure my websites are secure and safe to buy from, and much more!     
I have watched my product evolve through its many uses of technology since the first week. Every day in lecture I would be constantly thinking and taking notes about how I am going to relate the lecture to my product! It was a great experience to be able to blog about the different technologies I was learning because I definitely got a better understanding of the course material. I learned that no matter what product you chose for your entrepreneurial idea, technology will relate to it no matter what! After doing this project, I have even thought about double majoring or minoring with Journalism because I enjoy blogging!


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